2016 Winner
Ms. Stephanie Chiariello
John Marshall School of Civic and Business Leadership
10th Grade Social Studies
“Ms. Chiariello uses her course content—American History and Economics—to engage students in larger questions about who we are and how we’ve gotten to this point in our history."
Stephanie Chiariello earned her B.A. in History at the University of South Florida in 1997. She subsequently completed her graduate studies in the History of the Civil Rights Movement. Her study of social movements led Stephanie to the world of labor organizing, where she spent nearly a decade advocating for better working conditions for workers. She later turned to teaching, earning her Master of Education through Cleveland State University’s Urban Teaching (MUST) program in 2011. Stephanie and her wife live in the West Park neighborhood with their two poorly-behaved cats. When she’s not grading papers, Stephanie enjoys traveling, reading, listening to political podcasts, and cheering on her beloved Cleveland Monsters.