Academic Engagement Professional Development PPT
One of the problems I had as a new teacher was classroom management skills. After years of teaching I have found that engaging instruction really helps reduce the amount of problems you have in the classroom. I have used this PowerPoint for professional development on classroom management.
Some of the slides come from my own personal experience. For example one of the strategies to make instruction engaging is to use personal stories related to content. Slide six can be changed to a picture representing a personal story you share with your students. Slide eight is about showing unusual content to get students engaged. On slide eight there is a hyperlink of a video showing Expressive Aphasia where the patient can understand others but cannot express himself.
This PowerPoint can last about 15 minutes. For additional information see “The Highly Engaged Classroom” (Marzano, Robert J., et al. The Highly Engaged Classroom. Marzano Resources, 2010.)