Sharing Practice Resources
Winners of the Excellence in Teaching Award have agreed to share their practice with their peers in order to improve instruction across the district.
This requirement is flexible in terms of what a teacher does. Examples of sharing practice include posting sample lessons, writing and communicating about classroom practices, opening classrooms for observation, creating a blog, videotaping instruction, running workshops, etc. Below are some examples of the resources our previous award winners use in their classrooms. We plan to add to these resources with each subsequent group of winners, ultimately creating a rich repository of resources for all CMSD teachers.
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Grade Level
One-on-One Peer Tutoring for Our Scholars
Seltzer Pup Star Readers
Triangle Project
Using the Remind App in Your Classroom
Lesson Plan Template
Academic Engagement Professional Development PPT
Weekly Reflection
Probability Lesson Plan: 6–8th Extended Standards
Morning Routine
Long Division Plan – Grade 4
ECE Assessment Portfolio and Data Tracker
Early Childhood Daily Framework